Question 1: Is it possible to make an identical clothing item based on one from another brand?
Yes. You can provide the design and specify your detailed requirements
when you make the order. Based on the design, our company will try to
produce one that is similar; however, we cannot guarantee that the
product will be exactly identical to the reference design provided.
Question 2: Can the fabric color be exactly identical for every purchase?
The fabric colors are made through different dyes. Pure cotton fabrics
often use reactive dye while polyester fabrics usually use disperse dye.
Despite that we use the same dye formulas, duration and temperature
etc., the dyed color may still be different. This is due to various
uncontrollable factors that might interfere with the process, for
example, varying water quality and the different color absorbing ability
amongst batches of fabrics. Due to such reasons, it is definitely
possible that the color will be slightly different every time.
Question 3: How should I choose the color of the suit?
Even though there are not many color choices for suits, different colors
are appropriate for different occasions. Conservative colors such as
black, navy blue and charcoal grey are commonly chosen because they are
socially acceptable for nearly every formal situation.
Suits with darker colors are associated with the sense of power and profession compared to the suits with lighter colors. Furthermore, it is often difficult to wear light-colored suits for most people. The customer should carefully choose the color of the suit in order to deliver the best impression.